later imported into the teachings of Elisabeth Clare Prophet. The flame is supposed to be a trait of the “Ascended Master Saint Germain”. It is a representation of the Holy Sprit, and important when it comes to the changing of one thing into another (transmutation). The flame...
Symbolismus is a private collection of German, Austrian, and Czech works of art that are symbolist, visionary, mystical, or esoteric in nature and were created during the period between 1870 and 1930, roughly. This website focuses upon paintings, drawings, and sculpture in the collection, with...
Symbolismus is a private collection of German, Austrian, and Czech works of art that are symbolist, visionary, mystical, or esoteric in nature and were created during the period between 1870 and 1930, roughly. This website focuses upon paintings, drawings, and sculpture in the collection, with...
Desert islands, along with underground hideouts, are classic locales of romance, seen in stories such asPeter Pan. J.M. Barrie returned to the island setting in a later and lesser known work,Mary Rose. This was based on old Scottish legends Barrie heard as a child, in which mortals are ...
Thevibein the restaurant is totally unique as well. There, a lot of people are really struck by it, because it’s not typical to be able to go someplace and see their native foods on the menu, see native people cooking the food and listen to native music. Therefore, it’s a wholly...
the so-calledHand of Fatima orkhamsah(the stylized silhouette of a hand), was represented along with a bright yellow ring in the green-white-green flag proposed in the 1940s by the Democratic Union of the Algerian Manifesto. However, the Hand of Fatima was not used in the flag of 1962...