What is the significance of the strange “waste land” between West Egg and New York, where Myrtle Wilson meets her death, an alien landscape presided over by the eyes of T J Eckleburg whose eyes, like God’s, “see everything”? And what are we to make of the novel’s unobtrusive...
Symbolism inThe Great Gatsby 象征主义在《了不起的盖茨比》中的运用 Contents Acknowledgments i Abstract in English ii Abstract in Chinese iii I.Introduction 1 1.1 Fitzgerald andThe Great Gatsby 1 1.2 Previous Research onThe Great Gatsby3 II. Symbolism5 2.1 The Definition of Symbolism 5 2.2 Symbolism...
1、英语毕业论文On the Symbolism in The Great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义On the Symbolism in The Great GatsbyAbstract The novel The Great Gatsby was written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald In the novel he portrayed characters and stressed the theme from a new point of view by unique ...
However, the monstrous image of eyes has also a satiric meaning when connected with its location as commented bya criticthat “Dr. Eckleburg's eyes seem to represent the eyes of God and ironically theeyesof God would be placed in a location of such decline and decay.”4Thus the God her...
An Analysis of Symbolism in The Great Gatsby 内容摘 要弗斯各特菲兹杰拉德是美国二十世纪二十年代著名的小说家。了不起的盖茨比是他的优秀作品之一。在其创作过程中,菲兹杰拉德运用了多种写作技巧,其中象征主义手法是该作品的显著特征之一。作为一部紧扣时代脉搏,对美国现代社会进行入木三分地讽刺小说,了不起的盖茨...
If he left the room for a minute she’d look around uneasily, and say: “Where’s Tom gone?” and wear the most abstracted expression until she saw him coming in the door. She used to sit on the sand with his head in her lap by the hour, rubbing her fingers over his eyes and ...
For instance, in The Great Gatsby, the green light symbolizes Gatsby’s unpractical dream of perfected love, the Valley of Ashes represents the poverty and those who thus received humiliation, and the eyes of T.J. Eckleberg embodies the ominous gaze of God and the fraudulent American Dream....
1、 An Analysis of Symbolism in The Great Gatsby 内容摘要 弗斯各特菲兹杰拉德是美国二十世纪二十年代著名的小说家。《了不起的盖茨比》是他的优秀作品之一。在其创作过程中,菲兹杰拉德运用了多种写作技巧,其中象征主义手法是该作品的显著特征之一。作为一部紧扣时代脉搏,对美国现代社会进行入木三分地讽刺小说,《了...
People in The Great Gatsby can be seen as people who lived in the 1920s, their characteristics are also the characteristics of contemporary people. Therefore, the Valley of Ashes in the novel is the state of the United States in the 1920s. “The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue...
Symbolism essaysIn both Updike's "A&P" and Joyce's "Araby," the themes that exist are dependent on the use of words and the interpretation of the symbolism. In "A&P," the bathing suit clad girls that Sammy envisions as living glamorous lives represents