The Manifestations and the Symbolism of Power in Ancient RomeAETAS - Journal of history and related disciplinesHoffmannZsuzsanna
The symbol thunderbolt is used as an identification of his weapon, the oak was his sacred tree, and his primary sacred animal is the eagle. It took priority over other birds in the taking of auspices and became one of the most common Roman army symbols (Aquila). As the god of the ...
The triangular facade shows many marks that lead us to believe there must have been a frieze on the front. Imagine a massive Eagle in a victorious wreath—this was the symbol of Rome and Jupiter. You’ll see small holes that would have adjoined the frieze to the facade. Also, notice th...
The history of Christmas trees has many roots, ranging from the use of evergreens in ancient Egypt and Rome to the German traditions of candlelit trees that made its way to America in the 1800s. Discover the history of the Christmas tree, from the earliest winter solstice celebrations to Que...
Myth - Allegory, Symbolism, Narrative: An example of an allegorical interpretation would be that given by an ancient commentator for the Iliad, book 20, verse 67. Referring to an episode in which the gods fight each other, the commentator cites critics w
(persons receiving instructions in order to be baptized) by the bishop. An example of such interrogations used in Rome about 200 has been preserved in theApostolic Traditionof Hippolytus. The bishop would ask, “Dost thou believe in God the Father almighty?” and so forth through the major ...