The first sub-problem is to design symbol-level precoding which can be realized by an efficient gradient descent algorithm. The second sub-problem is about solving the reflection coefficients of RIS, which can be obtained by a Riemann conjugate gradient algorithm. In simulations, our proposed ...
Most studies on symbol-level (SL) precoding have assumed that channel estimation is perfect. However, because interference signals or additive white Gaussian noise exist in the received signal for channel estimation, channel estimation errors always exist. In this paper, we propose an SL precoding ...
Using symbol-level precoding, a new approach toward addressing the multiuser interference is discussed through jointly utilizing the channel state information (CSI) and data information (DI). The interference among the data streams is transformed under certain conditions to a useful signal that can ...
In this paper, we investigate the symbol-level precoding in IRS-assisted multiuser multiple-input single-output (MU-MISO) systems to minimize the transmit power while guarantee the quality-of-service (QoS) of information transmissions. In order to solve this joint optimization problem, we develop ...
To achieve secure and reliable transmission, we propose a switched phased-array directional modulation (DM) scheme that employs multi-beam symbol-level precoding with aided artificial noise (AN) technique at the transmitter, and array reception at legitimate users (LU). Here we consider a more ...
Ottersten, "Energy Efficient Symbol-Level Precoding in Multiuser MISO Channels Based on Relaxed Detection Region," IEEE Transactions Wireless Communications, 2016.M. Alodeh, S. Chatzinotas and B. Ottersten, "Energy Efficient Symbol-Level Precoding in Multiuser MISO Channels," 16th IEEE Int. Work...
This paper proposes an autoencoder-based symbol-level precoding (SLP) scheme for a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system operating in a limited-scattering environment. By recognizing that only imperfect channel state information (CSI) is available in practice, the goal of the ...
Symbol-level precoding design for max-min SINR in multiuser MISO broadcast channels," in 2018 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances... A Haqiqatnejad,F Kayhan,B Ottersten - University of Luxembourg, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security Reliability and Trust (SnT);University ...
symbol-level precodingWhile constructive interference offers indirect advantages in physical layer security by reducing the transmit power required to achieve a desired performance level, additional gains are possible by choosing the symbols to degrade the eavesdropper's ability to decode the desired data....
COMPARATIVE methodSYMBOL error rateBLOCK codesCompared to interference mitigating precoding, interference exploiting symbol-level precoding (SLP) requires less transmit power to guarantee the quality of service in a multibeam satellite system. However, due to the large roundtrip time (RTT), ...