副词'symbolically'用于修饰动词,说明动作以象征方式呈现。如在建筑领域,'The columns were symbolically designed to represent strength'表示立柱通过象征手法体现力量感。该形式多出现在学术写作和艺术作品解读中。 三、名词形式体系 名词形式包含五个分支: symbol(基本名词):指具体符号或象征...
In many African cultures, the elephant is revered as a symbol of strength, power, and wisdom. African elephants are often depicted with their trunks raised, which is believed to represent good fortune, longevity, and the ability to overcome obstacles. Exploring Elephant Tattoo Meanings There are ...
It was chosen to stand for the United States for two main reasons. First, it is the only kind of eagle that is native to North Americ a and nowhere else. Second, people admired the eagle for its strength, courage, freedom,and long life.The Great Seal You'll find the Great Seal of ...
A symbol of something such as an idea is a shape or design that is used to represent it. e.g. Later in this same passage Yeats resumes his argument for the Rose as an Irish symbol... 随后在同一篇诗歌里,叶芝再次将玫瑰作为爱尔兰的标志。 e.g. I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of...
3.Ilovethesecoloursbecausetheysymbolizemellowness,abundance,strengthandhappiness. 我喜欢这秋色,因为它表示着成熟、昌盛和繁荣,也意味着愉快、欢乐和富强. 4.Whatdoesthisstrangemarksymbolize? 这个奇怪的符号象征什么? 5.Hewouldsymbolizetheimportanceweattachedtotheassignment. 他将体现我们对这...
1.something that represents or stands for something else, usually by convention or association, esp a material object used to represent something abstract 2.(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) an object, person, idea, etc, used in a literary work, film, etc, to stand for or suggest somethin...
“I think Wonder Woman’s managed to represent what the world is at [a particular] time, and she’s done that—from origin through now,” adds DC Comics artist Cat Staggs. “The Wonder Woman we’re getting now is the Wonder Woman we need.”...
The flag is a symbol of our country's unity and strength. 这面旗帜是我们国家团结和力量的象征。 The cross is a common religious symbol in Christianity. 十字架是基督教中常见的宗教象征。 Chemical symbols are used to represent elements on the periodic table. 化学符号用于表示元素周期表中的元素。
Examples of Cultural Symbols Below are examples of different cultural symbols from around the world. Cultural symbols can be objects, animals, and many other things that represent nationality, religion, and values of the culture.Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a ...
plays is the leisure, plays is human's one kind of instinct, is the human is at the relaxation and the free one condition.The leisure time to me is extremely important, had it to be equal to enjoyed has displayed own all hobbies, the interest fully, can, the strength broad space, had...