Stuhlmueller, Carroll
In the Catholic Church, the Eucharist, meaning ''thanksgiving,'' is a sacrament where individuals partake in the literal blood and body of Christ (through transubstantiation of the elements of the Eucharist) by drinking the wine and eating the bread of Holy Communion. It commemorates Jesus' sac...
EP. 7 The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace EP. 8 Why Do I Need the Church? EP. 9 Mary and the Saints EP. 10 The Last ThingsConsumer Edition (S:CE-M)...5 DVDs, $99.95 SYMBOLON™: The Catholic Faith Explained PART 2 EP. 1 The Sacraments EP. 2 The Eucharist EP. 3 Walk ...
washing with water through the word, and to present her to Himself as a glorious church, without stain or wrinkle or any such blemish, but holy and blameless." This passage illustrates the selfless and purifying love of Christ for the Church, akin to the love of a bridegroom for his ...
byClaude de la Colombière, her confessor, she called for the establishment of a feast in honor of the Sacred Heart and for prayers ofreparationforsins, especially for those directed against theEucharist. In 1856 PopePius IXintroduced the feast into the general calendar of the Roman Catholic ...
Coello, Claudio: Adoration of the Holy EucharistAdoration of the Holy Eucharist, oil on canvas by Claudio Coello, 1685–90; in the sacristy, El Escorial, Madrid.(more) Different forms and levels of the experience of and relationship to reality (both sacred and profane) are linked with the ...
Since the very origin of art, human beings have faced the challenge of the representation of Evil. Within the medieval Christian context, we may find many beings which have attempted to convey the power of the devil. Demonic beings, terrifying beasts, fallen angels or even Satan himself can ...
St. Athanasius establishes here the parallelism—later assumed by many other Christian thinkers—between the ancient Ark of the Covenant, containing the vessel of manna, and the new ark/Mary, whose womb contained the new manna/Christ (the manna in essential relationship with the Eucharist). St....
Since then this meal has been symbolically re-enacted by many Christians as a way of drawing closer to God. This is called the Eucharist, which means 'thanksgiving'. It is a reminder that Jesus sacrificed his life for mankind. The Bible tells us that, later that night, Jesus was ...