Make sure you have ruby, ruby-debug-ide and ruby-debug-basex19 installed before submitting your issue -- thank you ! Expected behaviour Open a ruby file, press cmd-shift-O and see a list of symbols from the file to go to Actual behavior Open a ruby file, press cmd-shift-O and see ...
When building on OS X 10.4 (intel), the build fails with the following error. ld: common symbols not allowed with MH_DYLIB output format with the -multi_module option crypto/bio/libcrypto-shlib-bio_addr.o definition of common _bio_lookup...
AltShiftF12 This command allows you to quickly navigate to a specific usage of a symbol from its declaration or any other usage. You can invoke this command from the Solution Explorer,Structure window, and other tool windows. The opposite navigation is available with theGo to Declarationcommand....
This vector symbol rescale issue is just one out of many examples. Heres are some other nice bugs in XD: When I try to change the type size it's not possible to select the type size numbers. Not by any means. When I try to change the border properties it's not possible t...
Direct expansion may seem appealing, but often it is not useful in practice. Expanding the subprocess requires that all the adjacent symbols in the diagram shift to make room. This can result in sluggish performance with a complex diagram, and it can be visually nasty. The most important thing...
datepicker and focusout issue!!! DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString("x") in Javascript? Decimal place getting added after 2 digits Default window not closing in Edge or Chrome Delayed HTML5 Video load delete an item by doubleClick in javascript Delete an item in array which is stored in localStor...
I have a 13-inch, 2017 MacBook Pro and I've recently come up with an issue with my shortcuts for the symbols, such as @. Usually to type the @ symbol, I should only have to press the combination of the option + 2 keys, but lately, in order to type it, I have to press the...
This symbol can be used interchangeably with arctan. Tangent, like all trigonometric functions, is a periodic function, and for this reason it is not really invertible, strictly speaking. Nevertheless, arctangent is often called the inverse tangent, and so we'll clarify this technical issue ...
AxImp Error: Did not find a registered ActiveX control in Base64 encoding. Basic build issue: 0 successful, 1 up to date, no output Best C++ Obfuscators? Binary com over serial port bitwise shift read first 4 bits Boost Serialization and MFC: “cannot open file 'libboost_serialization-vc141...
You can also revert to the Noveau driver with loss of functionality (mostly on gaming). This option is the last resort, because the Nouveau driver has it’s own problems. To check if the old kernel is enough for you, hold shift key while ...