assert.notEqual(Symbol('foo'), Symbol('foo')); assert.equal(Symbol.for('foo'), Symbol.for('foo')); // Not unique: // 不是唯一的: var myObj = {}; var fooSym = Symbol.for('foo'); var otherSym = Symbol.for('foo'); @@ -135,17 +135,17 @@ assert(fooSym === otherSym...
self.assertEqual(self.assembler.symbolTable.getAddress("OUTPUT_FIRST"),10)deftestFirstPassMaxAsmInfiniteLoopAddress(self):instructions = ["@R0","D=M","@R1","D=D-M","@OUTPUT_FIRST","D;JGT","@R1","D=M","@OUTPUT_D","0;JMP","(OUTPUT_FIRST)","@R0","D=M","(OUTPUT_D)","@...
self.assertEqual(div.sympy(), sympy.Rational(5,2)) div = ops.Div(1, ops.Div(2,3)) self.assertEqual(str(div),'1/(2/3)') self.assertEqual(div.sympy(), sympy.Rational(3,2)) div = ops.Div(ops.Div(2,3),4) self.assertEqual(str(div),'(2/3)/4') self.assertEqual(div.sym...
x != y Inequality true if x is not equal to y x === y Identity true if x and y have the same key/value pairsin the same order and of the same types x !== y Non-identity true if x is not identical to y x <=> y Spaceship 0 if x is equal to y, greater than 0 if x...
() chan_est = None for tag in tags: if pmt.symbol_to_string(tag.key) == 'ofdm_sync_carr_offset': self.assertEqual(pmt.to_long(tag.value), carr_offset) if pmt.symbol_to_string(tag.key) == 'ofdm_sync_chan_taps': chan_est = pmt.c32vector_elements(tag.value) self.a...
ret = '' for count, point in enumerate(solutions): if x not in point: return "Please use 'x' in expression." x_value = point[x] ret += "{}. x: {}\n".format(count, x_value) return ret def _calc(expr): return sympy.solve(expr, x, dict=True) s = remove_equals(jarvis,...
In Moon, why does Sam ask GERTY to activate a third clone before the rescue team arrives? Seven different digits are placed in a row. The products of the first 3, middle 3 and last 3 are all equal. What is the middle digit? Why did Worf respond when Picard ordered the Enterprise...
StockRecord>[] allStocks = (IGrouping<string, StockRecord>[])result.Data;Assert.AreEqual(2, allStocks.Length);Assert.AreEqual("ZYXWVUT", allStocks[0] 浏览3提问于2014-02-25得票数0 回答已采纳 5回答 带括号和不带括号的python断言
Method 3 – Using an Equation to Insert the ‘Greater Than or Equal to’ Symbol Steps: Click onInsert, then onSymbols, and selectEquation. A box for typing equations will open up and you will get theEquationtab in the ribbon bar. ...
engine.get_pointer_to_named_function(libfname))fromctypesimportc_int, CFUNCTYPE callee = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_int)(ptr) self.assertEqual(321+123, callee(321,123)) 开发者ID:B-Rich,项目名称:llvmpy,代码行数:35,代码来源 ...