Figure 2 illustrates a practical circuit for direct dc measurement of input offset voltage that does not bias the comparator in the linear region. The circuit consists of a switching-mode servo loop in which U1A generates a triangular waveform of approximately 20-mV amplitude. U1B acts as a ...
aDC 11~18 Volts DC 11~18伏特[translate] aThe compound in red wine suspected of having a host of health benefits has for the first time shown promising test results in people. But a new Harvard study indicates that indulging in as few as three drinks a week may boost a woman’s risk ...
A three-wire direct-current, distribution system, usually 120 to 240 volts, for combined light and power service from a single set of mains. Edison effect Also called Richardson effect. The phenomenon wherein electrons emitted from a heated element within a vacuum tube will flow to a second ...
The V-I characteristic curve of Varistor is similar to that of a Zener diode. It is bi-directional in nature, since we see that it operates in both first and third quadrant. This feature makes it suitable to connect it in a circuit with either AC or DC source. For an AC source it ...
Ammeter for DC Ammeter for ac power The most popular type of DC ammeter is the permanent moving coil ammeter. Ammeters that can measure both AC and DC are available. Prefixes for Ampere Units are listed in the Table Below. (Image will be uploaded soon) ...
For a comparator, if the logic swing on the output is 3 V, and you want a 1 mV threshold, then the minimum gain needs to be 3000. Higher gain will give you a smaller window of uncertainty, but if the gain is too high, microvolts of noise will trigger the comparator. F...
a gold film s applied to the surface bottom. This setting also enables to provide a cathode connection. The reabsorption problem is fixed by including domed lenses for the device. All the wires in the electronic circuits of the device is protected by encasing the device. The light emitted by...
A circuit for digitizing an analog electric signal generated from a photoelectronic conversion of reflected light when scanning indicia having spatially-separated, light-reflective portions includes a
function.Barium,strontium, andthoriumare commonly used for cathodes because of their low electronic work functions, from 1.2 to 3.5electron volts(eV). Newer experimental materials, such as scandate (analloyof barium andscandiumoxide), have been discovered with slightly lower electronic work functions...