:由原文第二句可知,共生关系有三种类型:parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism,第三句提出The first and the third can be key factors in the structure of a biological community,撇开第二种类型没提,说明重要性没有前两种大。因此选项C说法正确。
Defensive Symbiosis: A Mutualistic Relationship The relationship between ants and aphids, for example is a mutualistic one defined as defensive symbiosis. The ant acts like shepherds over the aphids. Aphids provide honeydew for the ants, and the ants herd the aphids into their shelter at night ...
However, in some cases, one or both organisms may be harmed by the relationship, or the interaction may not impact one at all. What are 3 examples of symbiosis? One example of symbiosis is the mutualistic relationship between corals and the zooxanthellae that live within their tissues. The ...
In others, the species can exist separately but are more successful when they are involved in a mutualistic relationship. Some species of Acacia, a thorny tree, provide food in the form of sugar solutions in little structures on their stems. Certain species of ants feed on the solutions and ...
Microbiota and Gut Stem Cells Cross-Talks: A New View of Epithelial Homeostasis The relationship between gut microbiota and the host is symbiotic and mutualistic. Gut microbiota has been shown to influence many aspects of host biology,... G Nigro,PJ Sansonetti - 《Current Stem Cell Reports》 被...
1.The biologic association of two or more species. Compare:commensalism,mutualistic symbiosis,parasitism. 2.The mutual cooperation or interdependence of two people, such as mother and infant, or husband and wife; sometimes used to denote excessive or pathologic interdependence of two people. ...
Many types of foraminiferans form a symbiotic relationship with What are the characteristics of the Fungi kingdom? What is the mutualism relationship between bees and flowers? What are decomposers and are they food consumers? How do fungi differ from plants and animals? What is mutualistic symbio...
The third type of symbiosis, mutualism, benefits both partners in the relationship Legume plants and their nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and the interactions between flowering plants and their pollinators, are examples of mutualistic association. In the first case, the plants provide the bacteria with car...
The mutualistic relationship between mycorrhizal fungi and host plant roots is probably the best example of a symbiotic relationship in which the host roots provide organic nutrients to their mycorrhizal partner through exudation, whereas the host plant receives protection against pathogens. Just like rhiz...
Paragraph 5: The third type of symbiosis, mutualism, benefits both partners in the relationship Legume plants and their nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and the interactions between flowering plants and their pollinators, are examples of mutualistic association. In the first case, the plants provide the bac...