Breyna ™是一种药物器械组合产品,适用于那些哮喘或慢阻肺 (COPD) 患者,提供 160 mcg/4.5 mcg 和 80 mcg/4.5 mcg 两种剂量规格。Viatris 首席执行官 Michael Goettler 评论说:“ FDA 对Breyna ™的最终批准是 FDA 批准的第一个...
Symbicort(布地奈德/福莫特罗)适应症 一、Symbicort 160/4.5 mcg长期用于改善慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)的症状,包括慢性支气管炎和肺气肿,以改善呼吸和减少突发事件。 二、Symbicort用于治疗6岁及以上的哮喘患者,这些患者的哮喘无法通过吸入性皮质类固醇(ICS)等哮喘控制药物得到良好控制,或者其哮喘需要同时使用ICS和长效β-...
特殊感官气喘日本AstraZeneca公司的气喘复方吸入剂Symbicort在日本正式获准,用于16岁或以上病人支气管气喘的维持治疗。这种一天给药2次的产品,通过Turbuhaler干粉吸入器系统给药。它含160mcg/剂量的皮质类固醇布地奈德(budesonide)和4.5mcg长效beta2激动剂富马酸福莫特罗二水合物(formoterol fumarate dihydrate)。预计会以...
每天两次,每次吸入两次(通常是早晚,相隔约12小时),通过预防症状(例如哮喘患者的喘息)和帮助COPD患者更好地呼吸来治疗这两种疾病。 吸入器被批准用于两种强度(160/4.5mcg/致动和80/4.5mcg/致动)。 对于哮喘患者,布地奈德和富马酸福莫特罗二水合物口服吸入气雾剂最常见的副作用是鼻咽炎(鼻道和喉咙后部肿胀)、头痛...
Symbicort Inhaler (Budesonide/Formoterol)160mcg/4.5mcg Check Prices FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs): Why is Symbicort Inhaler prescribed? Adults and teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 who have asthma can be treated with Symbicort medicine. Adults who are 18 years of age and older can als...
160mcg + 4.5mcg × 1 inhaler $ 69.95 $ 69.95 Add to cartPackageSavingsPer inhalerPriceOrder 200mcg + 6mcg × 3 inhalers $ 29.90 $ 44.98 $ 134.95 Add to cart 200mcg + 6mcg × 2 inhalers $ 9.95 $ 49.98 $ 99.95 Add to cart 200mcg + 6mcg × 1 inhaler $ 54.95 $ 54.95 Add to...
Asthma:throat irritation, headache, upper respiratory tract infection, throat pain, sinusitis, flu, back pain, nasal congestion, stomach discomfort, vomiting, and thrush in the mouth and throat APPROVED USES COPD:SYMBICORT 160/4.5 mcg is used long-term to improve symptoms of chronic obstructive pu...
Asthma:throat irritation, headache, upper respiratory tract infection, throat pain, sinusitis, flu, back pain, nasal congestion, stomach discomfort, vomiting, and thrush in the mouth and throat APPROVED USES COPD:SYMBICORT 160/4.5 mcg is used long-term to improve symptoms of chronic obstructive pu...
ΔTerms and conditions apply. Government restrictions exclude people enrolled in federal government insurance programs from co-pay support.Click hereto see if you are eligible and to learn more. SYMBICORT 160/4.5 mcg for maintenance treatment of COPD…SEE APPROVED USES...
Breyna是一种药物-器械组合产品,适用于某些哮喘或慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者,其剂量为160 mcg/4.5 mcg和80 mcg/4.5 mcg。 阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)最近提出了一项新的投诉,声称侵犯了第五项Symbicort®专利,该专利于2022年4月26日发布,与'247、'328、'...