fissuren. 1.狭长裂缝或裂隙;裂伤;分歧;分裂 v.[I,T] 1.裂开 ape fissure猿裂 最新单词 dibenzothiazyl disulfide的中文释义二硫化二苯并噻唑 dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6)什么意思及同义词二苯并-18-冠醚-6 dibenzo thioxine的意思吩噻恶 dibenzhydroxamic acid是什么意思及反义词二苯甲氧肟酸 ...
sylvian fissure/'silviən/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 近义、反义、联想词 近义词 n. sulcus 用户正在搜索 gluttony,GLV,Gly,glybenzcyclamide,glyburide,glybuthiazole,glybuzole,glyc,glycal,glycan, 相似单词 sylvestren,sylvestrene,sylveterpin,Sylvia,sylvialite,sylvian fissure,sylvicultural,sylviculture,sy...
Noun1.Sylvian fissure- the deepest and most prominent of the cortical fissures; separates the frontal lobes and temporal lobes in both hemispheres fissure of Sylvius,lateral cerebral sulcus,sulcus lateralis cerebri sulcus- (anatomy) any of the narrow grooves in an organ or tissue especially those ...
Noun1.Sylvian fissure- the deepest and most prominent of the cortical fissures; separates the frontal lobes and temporal lobes in both hemispheres fissure of Sylvius,lateral cerebral sulcus,sulcus lateralis cerebri sulcus- (anatomy) any of the narrow grooves in an organ or tissue especially those ...
The meaning of SYLVIAN FISSURE is a deep fissure of the lateral aspect of each cerebral hemisphere that divides the temporal from the parietal and frontal lobes —called also fissure of Sylvius, lateral fissure, lateral sulcus.
英文: hemorrhage in sylvian fissure;中文: 外侧裂池积血征; 英文: Arteriovenous malformation in Sylvian fissue中文: 侧裂区动静脉畸形0例报告 英文: Microsurgical anatomical study of the sylvian fissure中文: 脑外侧裂区显微外科解剖学研究 英文: Research Advancement on Anatomy of Sylvian Fissure中文: 大脑...
外侧裂(sylvian+fissure)的显微解剖与临床 热度: 经纵裂胼胝体入路到第三脑室的显微解剖研究及临床应用 热度: 小脑后下动脉的显微解剖和临床意义 热度: 中文摘要 外侧裂(sylVi anflssu r'e)的显微解剖与临床 目的经外侧裂(翼点)手术入路是显微神经外科的重要入路,在Willis动脉环动 ...
(redirected fromsylvian fissure, fissure of Sylvius) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia fis·sure (fĭsh′ər) n. 1.A long narrow opening; a crack or cleft. 2.The process of splitting or separating; division. 3.A separation into subgroups or factions; a schism. ...
英文: hemorrhage in sylvian fissure;中文: 外侧裂池积血征; 英文: Arteriovenous malformation in Sylvian fissue中文: 侧裂区动静脉畸形0例报告 英文: Microsurgical anatomical study of the sylvian fissure中文: 脑外侧裂区显微外科解剖学研究 英文: Development of morphological study of glenoid fossae中文: ...
英文: hemorrhage in sylvian fissure;中文: 外侧裂池积血征; 英文: Arteriovenous malformation in Sylvian fissue中文: 侧裂区动静脉畸形0例报告 英文: Microsurgical anatomical study of the sylvian fissure中文: 脑外侧裂区显微外科解剖学研究 英文: Research Advancement on Anatomy of Sylvian Fissure中文: 大脑...