Solving Diophantine equation with sylvester matrix. Learn more about polynomials, linear-equation, diophantine, sylvester MATLAB
了解Sylvester方程的定义、特性以及在Matlab中的求解方法,有助于理解和应用该方程在实际问题中的作用和价值。Sylvester方程的学习和应用,也为学生的数学建模能力和解决实际问题的能力提供了重要的支持。希望本文能够对读者有所帮助,谢谢阅读! 12. 参考文献 [1] Golub, G. H., Van Loan, C. F. (2013). Matrix...
参考资料 康奈尔大学的矩阵计算课程笔记:Matrix Computations (CS 6210) Matlab中Sylvester方程求解函数sylvester()的说明文档:Solve Sylvester equation AX + XB = C for X. scipy的Sylvester方程求解函数scipy.linalg.solve_sylvester()的说明文档:SciPy v1.6.3 Reference Guide 博客What Is the Sylvester Equation? ...
In terms of the Kronecker tensor product, ⊗, the equation is [I⊗A+BT⊗I]X(:)=C(:), where I is the identity matrix, and X(:) and C(:) denote the matrices X and C as single column vectors. Extended Capabilities C/C++ Code Generation Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB...
康奈尔大学的矩阵计算课程笔记:Matrix Computations (CS 6210) Matlab中Sylvester方程求解函数sylvester()的说明文档:Solve Sylvester equation AX + XB = C for X. scipy的Sylvester方程求解函数scipy.linalg.solve_sylvester()的说明文档:SciPy v1.6.3 Reference Guide ...
Matlab functions lyap and dlyapAlgorithms of the Bartels-Stewart type for numerically solving Sylvester matrix equations of modest size are modified for the case where the linear operators associated with these equations are self-adjoint. The superiority of the modified algorithms over the original ones...
Algorithms of the Bartels–Stewart type for the numerical solution of Sylvester matrix equations of modest size are modified for the case where the linear operators associated with these equations are normal. The superiority of the modified algorithms over the original ones is illustrated by numerical...
自20世纪70年代以来,对小中型Sylvester 矩阵方程和Lyapunov矩阵方程求解常常选用Bartels-Stewart数值方法[1],这种方法已包含在Matlab软件的控制工具包中。本文首先介绍Bartels-Stewart数值方法,其次对此方法作一点改进。 1 Bartels-Stewart方法 Sylvester 矩阵方程和Lyapunov 矩阵方程在控制理论和许多其它工程领域起着十分重要的...
Keywords:thematrixsignfunction;periodiccontinuous—timeSylvesterequations;regularperiodicmatrixpairs 本文符号c 表示m×rl,维复矩阵,C一、C+和 c。分别表示开左半复平面、开右半复平面和虚轴,J 表示适当维数的单位矩阵,『 1. 表示矩阵Frobe. nius范数. ...
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