如今,Sylvain Pataille酒庄的葡萄园规模已足有17公顷,以其卓越的细腻、复杂度和层次感,毫无保留地为酒友展现Marsannay复杂丰富的风土魅力;旗下足足酿造五款风格各异却表达精准的阿里高特干白,放眼整个勃艮第都无出其右。说多无益,喝才知道;论及Marsannay的风土又或阿里高特的芳华,Sylvain Pataille无疑是所有人的上上之...
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“帕塔乐酒庄莎比特红葡萄酒(Domaine Sylvain Pataille Bourgogne Rouge Le Chapitre, Burgundy, France) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自法国勃艮第的红葡萄酒,采用黑皮诺酿造而成。 猜你喜欢 跨境2019年阿曼海兹酒庄洛吉恩(玻玛一级园)红葡萄酒 法国» 玻玛|阿曼海兹酒庄(又名:海兹洛查德酒庄)...
A big ‘poof’ of fresh florals and fruit – already brilliant. Drive, palate-staining flavour almost painful intensity but the flavour is so good that it balances the pain. A wine to make me cry – bravo is too small a word. 2017 Bourgogne Rouge Le Chapitre ‘It’s the best terroir ...