Foundations in Gender Studies Syllabus我来分享这学期的gender studies syllabus!第一次正式上这个方向的课太激动了呜呜呜 2024-12-24 00:00:17 来自:豆瓣日记 pku历史社会学 2019秋季研究生课程书单 去年旁听了一学期的这门课,也有豆友私信要书单,就把这个发在日记上吧。知道授课老师在豆瓣哈哈,如果介意的话,...
Shares the author's experience with teaching Gender Issues in Education to undergraduates at the Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Struggle to change her course design and classroom practice to incorporate feminist principles; Elimination of all grading and individual assignments; Use of a ...
Judith Butler, “Performative Acts And Gender Constitution: An Essay In Phenomenology And Feminist Theory” Eve Sedgewick,Epistemology Of The Closet, Chapter 1 and Marlon Ross, “Beyond The Closet As Raceless Paradigm” Epistemology of the Closet 8.7 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick / 1991 / University of Ca...
Jakana L. Thomas, “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Assessing the Effect of Gender Norms on the Lethality of Female Suicide Terrorism”, International Organization 75:3 (2021), 769-802. Zoltán I. Búzás (2013) The Color of Threat: Race, Threat Perception, and the Demise of the Anglo-Japane...
Syllabus definition: an outline or other brief statement of the main points of a discourse, the subjects of a course of lectures, the contents of a curriculum, etc.. See examples of SYLLABUS used in a sentence.
Rebecca Karl, Staging the World: Chinese Nationalism at the Tturn of the Twentieth Century (Duke University Press, 2002). Week 5 (Feb. 7): Rethinking of Gender and Studies of Chinese Women Joan Scott, “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis,” in Joan Scott, ed.. Gender and ...
The role of a judge is to protect the victim during the judicial process. Accountability and standards of conduct while dealing with sexual offence cases. Importance and meaning of gender sensitivity and effects of gender conditioning in judicial decisions in sexual offence cases. ...
No Tea, No Shade: New Writings in Black Queer Studies edited by E. Patrick Johnson Nobody Is Supposed to Know: Black Sexuality on the Down Low by C. Riley Snorton 第三个是: Section 1: Theories and Histories of Queer Identities "Gender Trouble" by Judith Butler "Black on Both Sides: ...
Selfie Syllabus Class Introduction, Learning Objectives and Policies Weekly Breakdown Week One: Identity and Interpellation Week Two: Celebrity and Branding Week Three: Dataveillance, Biometrics and Facial Recognition Week Four: Gender, Sexuality and Dating...
Hunter College Policy on Sexual Misconduct:“In compliance with the CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Hunter College reaffirms the prohibition of any sexual misconduct, which includes sexual violence, sexual harassment, and gender-based harassment retaliation against students, employees, or visitors, as...