Therefore, considering Iran as a marine country that is bounded from the north by the world's largest lake and from the south by one of the most important international waterways, the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman [10] that need marine medicine education, and on the other hand, the i...
BMEN 3130-Engineering Physiology Lab Syllabus Spring 2014Summary(Include within "Real WorldApplications" of Lab report)TAs: Lucas RodriguezShant AghyarianJonathan CravenSathya Sridhar
Adigwe, H.A et’al (2004) Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools. Onitsha. Africana Publishers. Aghaeghuna, E. O. N (1988) Senior Secondary School Christian Religious Knowledge: Themes from Selected Epistles, Vol 1 – III, Awka, Jet Publishers Dopamu A. Et al (1990) ...