Back in the Sci-Fi channel days at SYFY, this star-studded event series took a twisting, time-splitting journey through one especially intriguing theory to explain the sinister mysteries lying at the heart of the Bermuda Triangle. Jurassic Park royalty Sam Neill starred alongside Eric Stoltz, Bru...
Syfy's quirky Eureka TV series premiered on July 18, 2006, when the NBC-Universal cable channel was still known as "Sci-Fi." Created by Andrew Cosby and Jaime Paglia, the comedy-drama starring Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Erica Cerra, Neil Grayston, Joe Morton, and Chris ...
The most-watched live sketch of Season 49 was "Beavis and Butt-Head," which featured Ryan Gosling and Mikey Day as human lookalikes of Mike Judge's cartoon metalheads. Gosling's April 13, 2024 episode was the highest-rated of the season, and became the most-streamed SNL episode ever ...
“We want to be the best science-fiction channel that we possibly can, and in some respects, that means going back to the more traditional sci-fi/fantasy that fans often say they feel we’ve exited,” Howe tells THR.“We’re going to occupy that space in a way we haven’t for the...