USDNew York Stock ExchangeDelayed PriceMarket Closed Earnings High Target Price 88.00 Mean Target Price 77.62 Low Target Price 66.00 Standard Deviation: 6.10 Number of Estimates 21 Date of Most Recent Estimate 03/14/25 Price Estimate# EstimatesHighMeanLow# Estimates3 Week2 Week1 WeekCurrent0204060801...
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Stock Price & Overview 39.95K followers $61.41-2.44(-3.82%)4:00 PM 02/21/25 NYSE |$USD |Post-Market:$61.77+0.36(+0.59%)7:56 PM SummaryRatingsFinancialsEarningsDividendsValuationGrowthProfitabilityMomentumPeersOptionsCharting SYF Analysis Synchrony Financial: Slow And Steady Wins The Race ...
Got it. And maybe as a follow-up on capital. So you're sitting over 200 bps above the target, especially in a seasonally low quarter. And I think you bought back $100 billion of stock. Can you maybe just talk about the plan for capital return, particularly why it was a little bit ...
not go with regard to Basel III. I mean certainly, there has not been a lot of support around that. So we'll see what those changes are. That being said, we actually have excess capital, and we're going to continue to move down toward our target, which helps us get to the ROTCE...
44AVGXDefiance Daily Target 2X Long AVGO ETF 20.400+2.800+15.91%436.08万8462.72万7446.00万7446.00万365.00万365.00万-6.55%-23.02%-32.09%-3.03%+9.81%-2.57%-37.08% 45ASPSAltisource Portfolio 0.840+0.115+15.85%21.75万16.59万2297.41万628.41万2735.34万748.20万+21.72%+17.57%-10.65%+7.69%-22.94%-70.84%...
03月01日, 谷歌将采取更严厉的措施,打击在其评论平台上使用虚假评论以提高星级评分的英国企业。英国竞争与市场管理局(CMA)于周五宣布,谷歌已同意改进其检测和删除虚假评论的流程,并将对发布虚假评论的企业和用户采取行动。,SQL查询结果为空默认0的技巧与应用,花季传媒v3.0.3黄版: 提供更丰富多彩的视听体...
02月09日, 高盛首席全球股票策略师Peter Oppenheimer在最新的报告中提及,由DeepSeek大模型引发的股市修正,标志着自去年秋季以来,“Magnificent 7”(七巨头)首次下跌超过3.5%。“在我们看来,这是一次修正,而不是长期熊市的开始。大多数熊市通常由预期利润下滑引发,这种预期通常源于对衰退的担忧。我们的经济学家...
02月07日, 昨日美国总统特朗普宣布,OpenAI、甲骨文和软银将在美国境内投资“至少5000亿美元”,成立一家名为“星际之门”的合资企业,以此推动人工智能基础设施建设。,《学园侵触》在线播放日本剧电视剧 - 电视剧手机免费播放 ...,茄子视频污版在线观看安全无毒版-茄子视频污版在线观看官...,创意|义姐的哺...