More weather last week Currently at nearby stations 29 °C Sydney Regional Office:(2 km) Warm. 33 °C Canterbury:(11 km) Hot. More weather in Australia Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日 10
Sydney 25 °C 风13 km/h 降水量 (24 小时)0 mm 湿度65 % 气压1013 hPa 能见度25 km 云量30 % 云底2500 m 从附近的气象站计算 (09:00 2025-02-28) 接下来24小时 10:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:0000:00明天01:00明天02:00明天03:00明天04:00明天05...
Sydney current conditions, weather forecast and climate chart (temperature and humidity). Sydney free weather widget (free script for your website or blog). Sydney weather conditions, average/minimum/maximum temperature, humidity variation graphs. Sydney 為您帶來最準確的 Sydney, 新南威爾斯州, 澳洲 每月氣象預報平均/記錄和高/低溫、降雨量及更多資訊。
More weather last week Currently at nearby stations 22 °C Sydney Regional Office:(2 km) Mild. (1 hour ago) 22 °C Canterbury:(11 km) Mild. (1 hour ago) More weather in Australia Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日 ...
Sydney Canada / 纬度: 46°8'北 / 经度: 60°10'西 / 高度: 26 m 时区: America/Glace_Bay (UTC-4) / 当前时间: 11:06 2025-03-05 当前天气 预报 日月 2°C 风7 km/h 湿度81 % 气压1016 hPa 能见度24 km 云量80 % 云底457 m ...
提供您Sydney, 新南威爾斯州, 澳洲最準確的 10 天天氣預報,以便預先準備,還包括最高溫、最低溫、降水機率,盡在 The Weather Channel 和
Sydney, NS temperature trend for the next 14 Days. Find daytime highs and nighttime lows from
Weather Rank High Temp. Rain in 24H 1 Wyndham 43° 2 Kununurra 42° 3 Tanami 42° 4 Cloncurry 42° 5 Tennant Creek 41° 6 Tom Price 41° 7 Doomadgee 41° 8 Winton 41° 9 Boulia 41° 10 Bedourie 41° 1 Evans Head 56.2mm 2 East Lismore 54.6mm 3 Goonellabah...
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