Please proceed to sign-in or reset your password using your email address. Your login attempt was unsuccessful The email address is invalid. Would you like to create an account using this email address? Sign up here! Invalid email address Sorry, we are unable to find a Pan Pacific ...
As a Hill intern you have to respond to every constituent email. That means sometimes 100s of e-mails a day. Yes you can build out a template, but each one needs to feel personalized. People are e-mailing you about very personal and important topics – climate change, healthcare reform...
and stonewalled until they threw in the promotion, which is why I think I should make her a Lt. Col. instead of a full bird. She’s only been at her current rank for… maybe 6 months while they were in the
After psyching up, taking out of our heads Mr Barris’s advice on tape we got on the water. We were ready to have our shot at the seemingly untouchable Shore, Newington and Kings who were slightly better than us on the day. When the hooter went, High came off the start with speed,...