在“悉尼妹”西德妮·斯威尼 (Sydney Sweeney) 最新的 街拍 中, 外媒直接用了这样的 词 形容她 —— “她穿着红裙闪闪发光! ” 话说悉尼妹 最近真的很忙, 为了给自己 的新片《只想爱你( Anyone But You )》做宣传, 行程安排得超级满,一天内就换了六套衣服↓ 这套红色的裙子是她做客《肥伦秀》时的新...
知名性感女星西德妮·斯威尼(Sydney Sweeney),绝美写真照,曲线凹凸,身材火辣,性感迷人 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of...
Sydney Sweeney is an American actress who rose to prominence in roles on the teen drama TV series Euphoria (2019– ) and the first season (2021) of the acclaimed anthology series White Lotus, and in films such as director Quentin Tarantino’s comedy-dram
Euphoria star Sydney Sweeney shared several behind-the-scenes pictures of her impressive Euphoria transformation and it is wild.
In a recent Instagram carousel that had fans practically holding their breath, Sydney Sweeney shared a series of snaps featuring herself, her fiancé, and their friends. The crew had a... See full article at FandomWire 9/16/2024 by Sampurna Banerjee FandomWire...
Sydney Sweeney has been making the press tour for her new movie Anyone But You her full time job as of late, stepping out in countless different figure-hugging outfits for red carpet appearances, talk show interviews, and premieres. The most recent premiere for Anyone But You was in Sydney,...
Bring home the comedy that everyone is talking about... Anyone But You is now on Digital and arrives on Blu-ray and DVD March 12, 2024 from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. SYNOPSIS In the edgy comedy Anyone But You, Bea (Sydney Sweeney) and Ben (Glen Powell) look like the perfect co...
Sydney Sweeney's Plan B After this elaborate strategy,Sydney Sweeneyhas confessed that she had an alternative in the case all of the previous steps failed. "I also presented them with a plan B: show your boobs," she showed in a new slide. ...
在杂志发布的广告大片中,最为引人注目的是Sydney Sweeney身着的那套Fidan Novruzova品牌的夹克、裙子和靴子套装。 这套夹克、和裙子套装以褪色的蓝色为基调,彰显了复古风格的魅力。牛仔夹克和半身裙都点缀有复杂的3D螺旋花卉贴花,这种设计不仅充满艺术感,更是个性的象征。
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