Emmy-nominated actress Sydney Sweeney gets candid about getting naked onscreen, and how being an actor comes with a high price to pay!
After Emmy nominations for two dark and frank TV series, “Euphoria” and Season 1 of “The White Lotus,” Sweeney’s next move was “Anyone But You,” a raunchy but sincere romantic comedy; she proved a happily adept “Saturday Night Live” host this month; and, in conversation with ...
If the title of ‘breakout star of 2021’ is up for grabs, Sydney Sweeney is a sure-fire contender – particularly after her deliciously sardonic performance in HBO’s summer hit The White Lotus. Here, Sydney Sweeney talks to PORTER about what it was lik
Sydney Sweeney teased Monday that “Euphoria” Season 3 will mark a change in pace for the hit HBO teen drama.“People will be really amazed with what Season 3 becomes,” the actress said in a recent GQ profile. “I think that’s good because Seasons 1 and 2 were so different.”The ...
在《Euphoria》之前,Sydney Sweeney 演過的另一部青少年題材劇集為 Netflix推出的《Everything Sucks!》,劇情圍繞1996年的波林鎮,一群參加視聽社和話劇社的怪咖高中生,在這個錄影帶當道的年代,勇敢面對青少年生活的酸甜苦辣。 Everything Sucks! 2018 《美少女的謊言 Pretty Little Liars》2017 ...
EuphoriastarSydney Sweeney, 24,is officially engaged to her longtime boyfriendJonathan Davino, 37,PEOPLEconfirmed. News of the couple’s engagement began when Sweeney was seen in public on Feb. 28wearing a large diamond ringon her engagement finger. ...
時尚姊妹 Sydney Sweeney 和 Maude Apatow 在戲外重聚,更以精彩紅地毯「閨蜜裝」造型示人。在《Bones and All》的紅地毯首映式上,《Euphoria》的演員們 Sydney Sweeney 和 Maude Apatow都穿上了Giorgio Armani的晚裝現身。 Maude Apatow 一襲黑色摸胸的貼身長禮服,搭配 Cariter 珠寶,盡顯簡約優雅的魅力。
Sydney Sweeneyintensified the drama on the HBO hit seriesEuphoriaas character Cassie Howard. With theSam Levinson-created show scheduled tobegin filmingits third and final season early next year. The 26-year-old actress recentlytoldPeoplethat she’s “excited” to return as Cassie. ...
Sydney Sweeney has some thoughts about stripping down for the camera. As fans of Euphoria know, the 24-year-old has more than her share of topless scenes
在HBO 高人氣校園美劇《高校十八禁/亢奮/Euphoria》中飾演「Cassie」的女星Sydney Sweeney於近日攜手 Christina Ricci 出鏡 Variety 最新一期的「Actors on Actors」節目,就兩人的經驗進行對話。 《Euphoria》內容講述青少年面臨的各種問題,除了友情、愛情、自我認同的困擾,更涉及毒品、性和暴力等敏感議題,當談論...