Facebook Twitter 悉尼歌劇院是世界上最著名的建築之一,堪稱建築史上的傑作。只要參加日間遊覽之旅,您便可以在歌劇院的台階上拍照留念;探索它壯麗的外觀和華麗內飾;以及在標誌性的白帆下欣賞精彩演出。
第11题答案:E 对应原文:E段:To purchase: bookings are essential. Limited to 8 people per tour. 答案解析:E段提到,该线路必须提前预订,每次上限8人。其中limited对应题干中的restriction,the number of participants对应8 people,由此确定其为正确答案。 第12题答案:C 对应原文:C段:Prices: Adults $35/ Onl...
Discover the beauty and wonder of Australia with Sydney Opera House Tourism Trade. Explore the best of Australia with the help of Sydney Opera House Tourism Trade.
Email bookings@sydneyoperahouse.comAccess events View: Audio Described Auslan Interpreted Captioned Mobility Relaxed Multiple Bad Things 7:00pm, 9 January 2025 In the workplace at the end of the world, they’re only saying what you’re already thinking. Telephone+61 2 9250 7777 Email bookings...
Prior bookings are not essentialThe Backstage Tour gives you backstage access to the Sydney Opera House. It is a unique opportunity toexperience the real-life dramas behind the stage! You might even get to stand on the concert hall stage, take up aconductor's baton in the orchestra pt and...
Prior bookings are not essential.C. can take his big family of 8The Backstage Tour gives you backstage access to the Sydney Operamembers to free breakfastHouse. It is a unique opportunity to experience the real-life dramas behindthe stage! You might even get to stand on the concert hall ...
Prior bookings are not essential.T he Backstage T our gives you backstage access to the Sydney Opera House. It is a uniqueopportunity to experience the real-life dramasbehind the stage! You might even get to standon the concert hall stage, take up a conductor's baton in the orchestra pit...
Bookings are necessary.Limited to 8 people per tour.Online sales expire at 4:30 pm two days prior. Opera High Tea It consists of a tour where you will walk in the footsteps of world-class singers,dancers and musicians,followed by fine food and music in the great surroundings of the ...
50Prior bookings are not essentialThe Backstage Tour gives you backstage access to theSydney Opera House Itis a unique opportunity to experiencethe real-life dramas behind the stage! You might even get tostand on the concert hall stage, take up a conductor's baton inthe orchestra pit and ...
Bookings are necessary. Limited to 8 people per tour. Online sales expire at 4:30 pm two days prior. Opera High Tea It consists of a tour where you will walk in the footsteps of world-class singers, dancers, and musicians, followed by fine food and music in the great surroundings of...