Discover fascinating facts about the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Learn about this iconic Sydney landmark's history, construction, and unique features. 這 悉尼海港大橋 (Sydney Harbour Bridge) 是澳大利亞最著名的地標之一。內建1932 ,這項令人難以置信的工程壯舉幾乎53,000噸鋼來連接悉尼 CBD與北部郊區。在其建造之前, 悉尼 希望過海的居民要嘛必須登上 渡輪 或進行...
Yes, i went to sydney with my Girlfriend The sydney harbour bridge was so interesting The Sydney Harbour Bridge is a steel through arch bridge in Sydney, spanning Sydney Harbour from the central business district (CBD) to the North Shore. The view of the bridge, the harbou...
Spanning the city center to the North Shore, the Sydney Harbour Bridge is a wide steel arch bridge known for its beauty as well as function, providing a crossing for cars, trains, bikes and pedestrians. While the more daring can do the BridgeClimb to the top of the struc...
The Sydney Harbour Bridge stands next to the Opera House as one of the city's most iconic landmarks. Lovingly called the "Coat Hanger" by locals, this towering structure is the world's largest steel arch bridge. And while you can capture stunning pictures of the bridge from one of Sydney...
从20世纪20年代早期的图像揭示了悉尼海港大桥迷人的设计意见书之一 - 三路结构,中间有500英尺的高台。 这三部分桥于1922年旨在通过建筑师和土木工程师弗朗西斯·欧内斯特·斯托。 设计环节球头,米勒的观点和Balmain,在与山羊岛的中央塔,被设计成兼作战争纪念馆中间的会议。
想不到悉尼海港大桥(Sydney Harbour Bridge) 已经85岁了!依然那么霸气威武!昨天是它的生日~ 生日快乐“大衣架”!(图片1-3来自stephtee via Instagram,图4来自thephotonomad via Instagram,图5来自01jayman,图6...
The‘Sydney Harbour Bridge’walk is on the eastern side. You’ll discover the stairways up to the bridge walk alongside the pedestrian-crossing close to the ‘Australian Heritage Hotel’, on ‘Cumberland Street’ in the notable Rocks. Along the stroll is the south-eastern ‘Pylon Lookout’, ...
Sydney-Harbour-Bridge SydneyHarbourBridge SydneyHarbourfromtheair,showingtheOperaHouse,theCBD,CircularQuay,theBridge,theParramattaRiver,NorthSydneyandKirribilliintheforeground.TheSydneyHarbourBridgeisasteelthrougharchbridgeacrossSydneyHarbourthatcarriesrail,vehicular,bicycle,andpedestriantrafficbetweentheSydneycentral...