自1996 年James Ruse从Sydney Grammar 手中夺冠,就一直稳坐 HSC高考冠军宝座,连续27年蝉联新州HSC高考第1名。 排名前10的中学主要是新州精英中学和一所私立学校, 具体排名如下所示: Sydney Girls High School,排名第2 North Sydney Girls High ,排名第3 North Sydney Boys High ,排名第4 Baulkham Hills High ,...
Sydney Grammar School 的课程围绕通识教育而设置,每位学生在学习过程中都要进行一系列学术研究,尤其是最后两年的HSC课程,除了英语、数学、科学技术之外,学校还规定要求至少要修读两门人文学科,才能获得高考毕业证书 HSC Certificate。 Music——音乐在Sydney Grammar一直占据核心地位,音乐系很强,无论是师资质量,还是设备...
身处海德公园,您可以尽情享受悉尼CBD能够带给您的从购物,交通,工作,学习到休闲,娱乐,旅游等全方位的便利和资源。距中央金融区只有步行路程,而且坐落于悉尼文法学校(Sydney Grammar School)的角落处,距悉尼男女中(Sydney Boys/Girls High School)、悉尼大学(University of Sydney)和悉尼科技大学(University of Technology...
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点击了解详情:澳洲顶级私立男校Knox Grammar School高考排名持续向好!如何抢到录取通知书? 哥伦布私校 成功案例典范 01 雷登豪斯中学– 顶级私校需要在低年级就开始排队,而通过哥伦布争取,9年级学生也申请到了悉尼东区顶级私校,虽然不易...
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Define Sydney. Sydney synonyms, Sydney pronunciation, Sydney translation, English dictionary definition of Sydney. A city of southeast Australia on an inlet of the Tasman Sea. The largest city in Australia, it is the country's chief port and main cultura
Build fluency and confidence through interactive French classes that are effective and fun. Teaching still follows a thorough grammar curriculum. The ideal way for you to study French! Learn from French native teachers Learn from professional French native teachers. Talking with a native speaker is ...
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Sydney Grammar School Edgecliff Preparatory is a school in Municipality of Woollahra, New South Wales. Mapcarta, the open map.