We are always interested in hearing from the families that we serve. Please take a moment to let us know how well we served you in your time of need. We very much appreciate your feedback. Our Location Serving Sydenham & Surrounding Area ...
We love to hear from kids, adults and families who have a great time swimming with us. kids having fun learning to swim adults becoming comfortable in water families enjoying water holidays children surviving their boat sinking! and more! Read testimonials BACK TO TOP...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical. Syd·en·ham (sĭd′n-əm), Thomas 1624-1689. English physician who advocated the Hippocratic ideal of close observation and recorded firsthand accounts of numerous diseases, including Sydenham's chorea. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English ...
Background: Neuronal adaptations that occur during chronic ethanol (EtOH) exposure have been observed to sensitize the brain to excitotoxic insult during withdrawal. The adenosine receptor system warrants further examination in this regard, as recent evidence has implicated adenosine receptor involvement ...
In the church itself, most of the palms and rose branches were already in place for the next day's feast, and the old organ followed a fresh young voice that was being trained for the Easter anthem. The five doors of the church were standing open. On the steps of that eastern door ...
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James Buttler is joined by cricketer writer Stephen Chalke to chat about his new book about one of the greatest players and characters the game has seen. Brian Close's incredible career and exploits are chronicled in the new book 'One Hell of a Life: Brian Close: Daring, Defiant and Daft...
A week after completing the methylprednisone, the chorea again worsened. In addition, the patient was experiencing frequent partial and absence type seizure activity and began having frequent periods of dysarthria and dysphagia. The following day, he had 2 generalized seizures. Upon transfer back to...