How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
更多sycophantically例句 It is hard to picture to yourself this impressive figure giggling sycophantically at the pleasantries of a humorous judge. “Forty,” said Puffin sycophantically, as he thought over what he would say about himself when the old man had finished....
sycophantically [ sycophant ]的相关副词;[ sycophantic ]的相关副词 最新单词 ergastoplasm是什么意思及音标 n. [生]酿造质( 对碱性染料显示亲和力的一种细胞质成分 ergastic什么意思及同义词 adj. [生]后含的(指细胞属于原生质非生命成分的) ergamine怎么翻译及发音 麦胺 erg是什么意思 n. 尔格[功的...
sycophant (redirected fromsycophantically) Thesaurus Encyclopedia syc·o·phant (sĭk′ə-fənt, sī′kə-) n. A person who attempts to gain advantage by flattering influential people or behaving in a servile manner. [Latinsȳcophanta,informer, slanderer, from Greeksūkophantēs,informer...
Or was that what the "Ron said sycophantically" reference was all about? Wanna get spoiled? Roger Sutton 2007 Gone are the days when we sycophantically described people who were rich as "nice" -- or, when desperate, "interesting". Vicky Ward: Inside the Mini-Madoff Scam 2009 Hold the...
单词/词组检索 sycophantically [] 以下由轻松背单词网站提供 单词级别 附加级 基本释义 adv.sycophantic(阿谀的,拍马的)的变形 参考例句
sycophantically 英['sɪkəfænt] 美['sɪkəfænt] n.马屁精 形容词: sycophantic 副词: sycophantically SYC n.美国梧桐(埃及榕) Sycacantha n.维小卷蛾属 Sycacanthae n.维小卷蛾亚族 sycamine n.桑树之一种 sycamore n.枫树;美国梧桐;悬铃木;西克莫无花果 详细释义 n. (名词) ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Affect' vs. 'Effect' What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay