搭配对象:常与“behavior”“attitude”“praise”等词搭配,强调具体行为而非抽象概念。 替代表达:若需弱化贬义,可使用“complimentary”(赞赏的)或“diplomatic”(圆通的)等中性词汇。 综上,“sycophantic”精准刻画了带有目的性的谄媚行为,使用时需结合语境判断其适用性,避免因情感色彩过强导致...
The man would constantly praise my uncle's speeches, saying things like, "Your words are like music to our ears. You have the power to inspire the whole nation." And whenever my uncle tried to have a normal conversation with him, the man would only respond with more flattery. My uncle...
经典引文 A sycophantic oration in praise of the Emperor.出自:R. West近义词 临近词 obsequious谄媚的 bootlicking动词bootlick的现... fawning奉承的 ingratiating讨好的 toadyish拍马屁的 flattering奉承的上一篇 shackley 下一篇 shackleton sycophantic是什么意思 sycophantic在线翻译 sycophantic什么意思 ...
sycophantic: Of or pertaining to a sycophant; characteristic of a sycophant; obsequiously flattering; parasitic; courting favor by mean adulation.
sycophantic - attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery bootlicking, fawning, obsequious, toadyish insincere - lacking sincerity; "a charming but thoroughly insincere woman"; "their praise was extravagant and insincere" 2. sycophantic - attempting to win favor by flattery bootlick...