sycophantic - Dictionary definition and meaning for wordsycophantic Definition (adj) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery Synonyms:bootlicking,fawning,obsequious,toadyish Definition (adj) attempting to win favor by flattery ...
The adjective sycophantic is perfect for describing someone who uses flattery to get what they want. The sycophantic guy in your biology class might compliment the professor on her fabulous shoes as he hands in his lab report.Someone who's sycophantic goes overboard with compliments, usually to...
英音[sikə'fæntik] ; 美音[sikə'fæntik] ; 副词 说奉承话的,阿谀的 词形变化 形容词sycophantic,sycophantical 副词sycophantically 英语解释 attempting to win favor by flattery attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery ...
s attempting to win favor by flatterysycophantic的用法和例句: 1. Only some sycophantic poetry saved him from the gallows. 一些谄媚的诗歌倒是使他免受绞刑 2. He di issed courtiers who'd served under his father in favor of younger, sycophantic supplicants. 他听信年轻的爱拍马屁的摇尾...
attempting to win favor by flattery 经典引文 A sycophantic oration in praise of the Emperor.出自:R. West近义词 临近词 obsequious谄媚的 bootlicking动词bootlick的现... fawning奉承的 ingratiating讨好的 toadyish拍马屁的 flattering奉承的上
Attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery. Hyphenation syc•o•phan•tic Part of Speech (形) adjective Matching Results 说奉承话 shuō fèngchenghuà smarm 阿谀 ēyú to flatter; to toady New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or piny...
And whenever my uncle tried to have a normal conversation with him, the man would only respond with more flattery. My uncle said to me, "It's a bit uncomfortable, really. You can tell when someone is being truly sincere and when they're just being sycophantic. This guy, it's like ...
北韩还把韩国总统李明博称为采取向美国献媚政策的“卖国贼”。 英英解释 adj. 1. attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery 2. attempting to win favor by flattery 网络释义
辞典例句 Qinhui was a notorioussycophanticofficial in the Song dynasty, and was spurned by later generations. 秦桧是宋代著名的佞臣, 受尽后人的唾骂. 互联网 英英释义 Adjective 1. attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
sycophantic - attempting to win favor by flattery bootlicking, fawning, toadyish servile - submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior; "spoke in a servile tone"; "the incurably servile housekeeper"; "servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clip...