搭配对象:常与“behavior”“attitude”“praise”等词搭配,强调具体行为而非抽象概念。 替代表达:若需弱化贬义,可使用“complimentary”(赞赏的)或“diplomatic”(圆通的)等中性词汇。 综上,“sycophantic”精准刻画了带有目的性的谄媚行为,使用时需结合语境判断其适用性,避免因情感色彩过强导致...
submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior adjective attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery synonyms: bootlicking, fawning, obsequious, toadyish insincere lacking sincerityCite this entry Style: MLA "Sycophantic." Vocabulary.com Dictionary, Vocabulary.com, https://www.voca...
servile - submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior; "spoke in a servile tone"; "the incurably servile housekeeper"; "servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. sycophantic adjective...