Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to sycophant:obsequiously </>embed</> toadeater bootlicker apple polisher ass-kisser lickspittle truckler flatterer brown-noser sponger sycophant noun Synonyms for sycophant Collins Roget's WordNet nouncrawler Synonyms ...
The meaning of SYCOPHANT is a servile self-seeking flatterer. How to use sycophant in a sentence. Did you know? Synonym Discussion of Sycophant.
e.g. ...a dictator surrounded by sycophants, frightened to tell him what he may not like. 被一群不敢谏言的佞臣簇拥的独裁者 sycophant 英英释义 noun 1. a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage Synonym: toadycrawlerlackeyass-kisser...
5 chauvinist 沙文主义者/大男子主义 75 2018-05 6 monomaniac 偏执狂 62 2018-05 7 WPME 29 118 2018-05 8 Chauvinism / patriotic 82 2018-05 9 patrimony 遗产 53 2018-05 10 patronymic / synonym / antonym / homonym / homophone 64
我们听到了谄媚的笑声。 sycophantic 英英释义 adj 1.attempting to win favor by flattery Synonym:bootlickingfawningtoadyish 2.attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery Synonym:bootlickingfawningobsequioustoadyish sycophantic是什么意思,sycophantic在线翻译,sycophantic什么意思,sycophantic的意思...
The meaning of SYCOPHANT is a servile self-seeking flatterer. How to use sycophant in a sentence. Did you know? Synonym Discussion of Sycophant.