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The edge of the leaf is serrated and american sycamore leaves are deciduous. Flower Color: Both male and female flowers are produced on the same tree. Bloom Time: May to June.. Fruit Description: The fruit is ball shaped and ripens in October. They are suspended from the branch from on...
16、thick-branched wide-spreading tree of Africa and adjacent southwestern Asia often buttressed with branches rising from near the ground; produces cluster of edible but inferior figs on short leafless twigs; the Biblicalsycamore. ─── 非洲和临近亚洲西南部的一种分布广泛、枝繁叶茂的树,由近地面...
网络Wutong leavesThe sycamore leafPhoenix Tree´s Leaf 双语例句 1. I´m standing on the street where are many trees. I bow and look at the yellow leaves near my feet, and know that the Mid-Autumn is coming. 我站在布满梧桐树的街道上,低头看看脚下的梧桐树叶,便知道又是一个中秋。
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maple tree 枫树 field maple phr. 平原枫木 oregon maple phr. 大叶槭 相似单词 sycamore n. 小无花果树,枫树的一种 maple n. 1.[C]槭树,枫树 2.[U]槭树木材,槭木 3.[U]槭糖味 maple like adj. 象枫木的 maple leaf n. 槭树叶 最新...
Sycamore Platanus Platanus Occidentalis Leaf Leaves Branch Nature Plant Flora Foliage Closeup Macro Vegetation Green Related free images Sycamore Tree Platanus Edit image Tree Common Plane Tree Edit image Leaves Edit image Leaves Edit image Leaves Edit image Leaves Edit image Leaves Edit image Leaves Ed...
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To the south Sycamore trees create a tall , broadleaf canopy. 在城区的南部,是一片树冠宽大枫树林. 来自互联网 6. He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore figs with sleet. 他降冰雹打坏他们的葡萄树.下严霜打坏他们的桑树. 来自互联网 7. He destroyed their vines with hail and thei...