Applied Biosystems™ SYBR™ Green PCR 预混液将 SYBR™ Green I 染料、AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA 聚合酶、加入 dUTP 的 dNTP、惰性参比1和优化的缓冲液都组合在便捷的单管中。•在 2–8°C 下储存的预混组分可大幅缩短测定试剂配制时间• SYBR™ Green I 染料可检测双链 DNA,因此无需使用特异性...
SYBR ® Green PCR Master Mix and RT-PCR ProtocolOnly, UseBiosystems A (2002) SYBR Green PCR Master Mix and RT-PCR protocol, pp. 56. Applera, California.PE Biosystems, SYBR Green PCR Master Mix and RT-PCR Protocol, 1999.SYBR® Green PCR Master Mix and RT-PCR protocol, Applied ...
SYBR® Green I Dye Quantitative PCR Protocol How qPCR Works FFPE 组织 NHS-酯修饰与氨基标记的寡核苷酸缀合的实验方案 KiCqStart™通用SYBR® Green qPCR实验方案 引物浓度优化实验方案 使用温度梯度的引物优化试验方案 qPCR效率测定实验方案 查看更多 相关产品类别 密封膜、箔片和胶带 DRO、EPH、ETPH、GRO...
SYBR Green I DNA凝胶染色 SYBR Green I is fluorescent dye that binds specifically to double-stranded DNA. There are three variants of staining protocol:
SYBR Green is a dye that intercalates with double-stranded DNA. This intercalation causes the SYBR to fluoresce. The qPCR machine detects the fluorescence and software calculates Ct values from the intensity of the fluorescence. This protocol will cover the SYBR Green quantitative PCR technique, ...
请教各位高手,SYBR Green I 会不会干扰PCR反应? 本人近来碰到一奇怪问题,就是在普通PCR仪上做PCR,得到单一条带大约在500bp,但是加入SYBR Green I后还是在此机器上(其他条件都相同),却出现了一条200bp的杂带,已排除污染的可能,我想请教各位高手,是否SYBR Green I 会降底引物的Tm值,使它产生错配,或还有其他原...
SYBR Green I染料,用于实时PCR dsGreen for Real-Time PCR, 100× Qty 1 1ml Appearance light orange solution Storage condition -20°C References dsGreen, an analog of SYBR® Green I, is a very sensitive dsDNA detection dye. High sensitivity, and high selectivity for dsDNA allow to use ds...
Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix 实时 PCR 预混液专为速度而设计的 这是一种用于实时 PCR 应用的快速、可靠和高性价比的溶液,保持了灵敏度、特异性、动态范围以及 PCR 效率。• 快速 — 仅需35分钟即可获得实时荧光定量 PCR 结果• 灵敏 — 检测极低拷贝数靶标• 特异性 — 极低的引物二聚体和非特异...
®F0925K SYBR ® Green Realtime PCR Master Mix -Plus- QPK-212 1mLx5 Store at -20°C, protected from light Contents [1] Introduction [2] Components [3] Primer design [4] Detection [5] Specimens [6] Protocol 1. Intercalator assay protocol using ABI PRISM ® 77...