英国Sybarite Architects 建筑事务所在迪拜设计的一个位于海上的酒店 û收藏 2 1 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...中华全国工商业联合会房地产商会-全国房地产设计联盟官方微博 Ü 简介: 全国房地产设计联盟由全联房地产商会与中国勘察设计...
Sybarite is a leading architecture and design studio specialising in luxury retail, hospitality and experiential lifestyle spaces.
roberto conte (16) stefano perego (6) liu jiakun honored with 2025 pritzker architecture prize the founder of jiakun architects, is recognized for his humanistic approach, crafting spaces that combine the everyday with the utopian. architecture ...
and contemporary artists: Eckersley O’Callaghan, Arup Group, Speirs & Major, Jason Bruges Studio just to name a few. Sybarite as architects, quintessentially British at heart but working in an international capacity on an immense logistic scale for SKP to make a momentous mark on the Chinese ...
both women possess fantastic imaginations and the ability to transform their dreams into portable jewels. Each creation is as fun as the next, with a whimsical yet architectural edge that demonstrates the artistry and craftsmanship of Margarita and Alyona. Trained as architects,...
Intersybarite Gourmet美食店坐落于墨西哥城,主要售卖一些特色美食,业主希望用一个低成本,并且环保的方法创造出一个令人耳目一新的环境,Arquitectura Sisemica便想到用木条打造空间,收银台,货架又或是酒柜,全 ...hackqing
Featuring stunning interiors by famous designers and architects, restaurants from celebrity chefs, and exceptional wellness offerings. Click here to read more. Cover photo Langham Hotel, Jakarta. Continue reading 5 Hotels, 5 Cities Leave a comment Chefs, Published Articles A Recipe for Recovery “...
Sybarite Architects 西巴裡特建築事務所 sybarite e 奢侈逸樂的人 sybarite ascetic 沉於奢侈逸樂的 sybarite U 縱情逸樂之徒 sybarite - ascetic 放縱者 sybarite更多词组 英英字典 劍橋英英字典 a person who loves expensive things and pleasure 柯林斯英英字典 a devotee of luxury and the sensual vices luxuri...