Prb here is, the calling program having a check for sy-tcode 'SWI1', and at this point I will be having sy-tcode as SE38 as this is being executed from SE38 custom report. Any idea how to send/modify the sy-tcode value to calling program? Calling program is a standard report ...
Solved: Hi, I am an ABAP newbie. I have written small ABAP code to extract current transaction ID using sy-tcode . When I launch transaction SE80(object navigator), and
SY/T 5716.9-1995 Standard Insuued on: SY/T 5716.9-1995 Category No.:SYValid Status:valid Issued Organization:Issued Date: Implemented Date:Abolished Date: Superseded Standard.:Superseded Date:
SY/T 4113.11-2023 English Version - SY/T 4113.11-2023 Pipeline anti-corrosion coating test method - Part 11 : Holiday detection (English Version): SY/T 4113.11-2023, SY 4113.11-2023, SYT 4113.11-2023, SY/T4113.11-2023, SY/T 4113.11, SY/T4113.11, SY4113.
By means of studying SY/T0036 2000《Design Code on Cathodic Protection with Impressed Current Way for Buried Steel Pipeline》,some different views on the physical significance of parameters and its cal culation methods are put forward to discuss and analysis , aiming at perfecting its contents in...
Then you add the qrcode in this container by jquery('#qrcode').qrcode("this plugin is great"); This is it. see it live. You can set the height and width of the generated qrcode: jquery('#qrcode').qrcode({width: 64,height: 64,text: "size doesn't matter"}); Conclusion jq...
I looked at thedocsand didn't see anything to help What happened? Anaconda Navigator boot, I click Spyer launch. Howerver windows shows Application sypyer launch may have produced errors,Exit code 1. Console show QMimeDatabase: Error loading internal MIME data,An error has been encountered at ...
SY/T 5587.9-1993 English Version - SY/T 5587.9-1993 (English Version): SY/T 5587.9-1993, SY 5587.9-1993, SYT 5587.9-1993, SY/T5587.9-1993, SY/T 5587.9, SY/T5587.9, SY5587.9-1993, SY 5587.9, SY5587.9, SYT5587.9-1993, SYT 5587.9, SYT5587.9