32. Open SQL statements set SY-SUBRC to 0 if the operation is successful, otherwise to a value other than 0. 33. OVERLAY sets SY-SUBRC to 0 if at least one character is overlaid, otherwise to 4. 34. READ DATASET sets SY-SUBRC to 0 if the read operation was successful, otherwise t...
abap系统变量 SY-SUBRC: 系统执行某指令后,表示执行成功与否的变量,0表示成功 SY-DBLNT: 被处理过的记录的笔数 SY-UNAME: 当前使用者登入SAP的USERNAME SY-DATUM: 当前系统日期 SY-UZEIT: 当前系统时间 SY-TCODE: 当前执行程序的Transaction code SY-REPID: 当前程序名称 SY-INDEX : 当前LOOP循环过的次数 SY...
abap系统变量 SY-SUBRC: 系统执行某指令后,表示执行成功与否的变量,0表示成功 SY-DBLNT: 被处理过的记录的笔数 SY-UNAME: 当前使用者登入SAP的USERNAME SY-DATUM: 当前系统日期 SY-UZEIT: 当前系统时间 SY-TCODE: 当前执行程序的Transaction code SY-REPID: 当前程序名称 SY-INDEX : 当前LOOP循环过的次数 SY...
SY-SUBRC:语句执行后的返回值,0表示成功 sy-batch,如果是后台运行,则这个变量的值为'X' SY-TCODE:获得当前事务码SY-DATUM:当前服务器日期 SY-LANGU:当前文本环境的语言码 SY-UZEIT:当前服务器时间 SY-ULINE:255长度的水平线 SY-VLINE:垂直线 SY-INDEX:循环说执行的次数 SY-TABIX:内表循环的次数 SY-DYNNR...
sy-subrc is basically a return code for any operation. For eg. after an Insert operation, sy-subrc would contain a value depending on the success/failure of the Insert operation. The values are: 0 - Success 2 - Depends on the context which it was used. For eg. after READ statement, ...
问FM更新EANL表中的安装类型时,即使失败也会返回SY-SUBRC =0EN我需要使用ISU_DB_EANL_UPDATE函数...
Solved: Dear All, Please let me know what does it means by sy-subrc values for 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8 means. I only know that , sy-subrc = 0 is when u get value (when ur
SY-SUBRC is failing even though entry is exists in internal table Former Member 2013 Jun 04 1:39 PM 0 Kudos 3,379 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi , I am trying to execute below code but it is failing Read statement even thought record is available in internal table....
The problem is: how do you make all this supporting information around a runtime context and user input influenced sequence of sy-subrc values available to the person analyzing the trace and doing maintenance on a role? For sure they won't be trespassing on the documentation in parallel e...
Solved: Hi, I get the return value: 12 Specified object not maintained in the user master record. if I perfom an Authority Check on a custom authority object. Although,