运行时速:80km/h 轨距:准 拍摄日期:199102 拍摄配属:鞍钢 拍摄作者:Rudolf Gruette 注:刊登的机车配属以拍摄当日机身显示为准,并不代表最新配属,仅供参考。 版权声明:照片的版权归拍摄作者所有,仅提供车友下载收藏,禁止商业使用,禁止用于短视频发布。若用于交流转载,请标明出处和作者的名称。
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Samples of composite membranes were obtained with a defectfree layer of PTMSP and carbon dioxide permeance of 0.26 m3 (STP) (m2 h bar)−1. It was revealed by SEM that the thickness of the PTMSP separation layer is 2.5 microns, where in X-ray spectrometry analysis data and calculations ...