CopySXPG_DUMMY_COMMAND_CHECKto a name in the customer naming range (names beginning withYorZ). Write your authorization check. Specify that the function module should be run when the command that is to be checked is run. Do this in the command definition (transaction SM69). Note Do not c...
したがって、SXPG_DUMMY_COMMAND_CHECK を変更しないことが重要です。独自の権限チェックモジュールを作成するには、以下の手順に従ってください。1. SXPG_DUMMY_COMMAND_CHECK をカスタマ名称範囲内の名称 (Y または Z で始まる名称) にコピーします。
For more information, see SXPG_DUMMY_COMMAND_CHECK: Interface for Extra-Check Function Modules. TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS The command definition specifies that ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS are not allowed. However, additional command arguments were specified. PARAMETER_EXPECTED The command...