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Discusses Intel's new 486SX microprocessor designed to meet growing end-user demand for entry-level, 486-class systems. Specifications, pricing and marketing strategy; Explanation of why Intel created it.DickinsonJ.PC Computing
NS Switch Mariko (a codename for NS switch sold with RED packaging box, with the longer battery life released after 2019), with soldered hardware mods SXOS Core chip. Both my sysNAND and emuNAND was on firmare 10.0.2 512GB microSD card Backup sysNAND and emuNAND Never connected online in...
Chip n Dale (Intro demo) [Demo, You must use the Universe BIOS and set region to Japan AES] cndi Sergi Choko (010820 Japan) choko Mitchell Choky! Choky! chokchok SemiCom some performance issue Choplifter (8751 315-5151) [The (unprotected) or (bootleg) versions work fine.] choplift ...