Go to Swydo What's New New Official Release: Monitoring Overview is Here Shared by Adriana • March 12, 2025 Monitoring Overview is now officially live for all users. Now, you can quickly and efficiently track all your key client metrics in one simple dashboard. 🙌 How does it ...
The number one thing I love about Swydo is thecustomer support. I literally clicked the chat box, in less than 15 minutes I had a reply from Andrea. Juan Knoepffler, Digital Marketing Manager, User Friendly Media What used to take days now takes minutes, cutting our reporting time byover...
Swydo是一款帮助在线营销人员、特许经营商和企业主进行营销分析、观察趋势、跟踪业绩和改善整体沟通的软件。它提供了一套全面的工具,可以帮助你跟踪营销活动的进展,并采取必要的行动,使你的业务更上一层楼。 起步定价: 免费试用: 公司名称:Swydo 创建时间: 公司地址: 服务...
Welcome to the Swydo help center. 💡 Help Center How-to articles designed to guide you every step of the way. 60 articles 👋 Swydo for New Users Your Beginner's Guide - Start Here. 7 articles 📈 Key Product Features Learn how to use Swydo features with our step-by-step videos,...
SWY-DO型电涡流传感器 SWY-DO型电涡流传感器用于测量金属被测体与探头端面之间的相对位置。SWY-DO型电涡流位移传感器长期工作可靠性好、灵敏度高、抗干扰能力强、非接触测量、响应速度快、不受油水等介质的影响,常被用于对大型旋转机械的轴位移、轴振动、轴转速等参数进行长期实时监测,用于分析设备的工作状况和故障原...
SWY-DO延伸电缆 延伸电缆是为现场安装方便而设计的,它是前置器连接到探头电缆上的“桥梁”,是传感器的必要组成部分。长度可分为4米、8米±5%两种,在电缆的两端都安装有SMA自锁插头,选择不同长度的延伸电缆,与探头和前置器可组成5米、9米的传感器系统。 SWY-DO前置器 前置器是系统的核心部分,它包括了整个传感器...
Swydo’s Microsoft Ads reporting software saves you time. Turn hours of manual tasks into minutes with our pre-built Microsoft Ads report template. Track your PPC KPIs, deliver a polished Microsoft Ads report or interactive dashboard, and highlight results with visuals, advanced filtering, custom...
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client'; // Use the MeteorLink instead of the DDPLink // It uses HTTP for queries and Meteor subscriptions (DDP) for GraphQL subscriptions import { MeteorLink } from '@swydo/apollo-link-ddp'; export const client = new ApolloClient (...
SWY-DO 产品报价: 产品特点: DO-02型电涡流传感器是由DO型前置放大器和电涡流探头组合构成,它是一种趋近式传感系统。由于其长期工作可靠性好,灵敏度高,抗干扰能力强,采用非接触测量,响应速度快,耐高温,能在油、汽、水等恶劣环境下长期连续工作,检测不受油污、蒸汽等介质的影响,已广泛应用于电力、石化、冶金、...