不同于传统的 XML 解析器,如 NSXMLParser,SWXMLHash 以其优雅的语法和易于理解的 API 而脱颖而出。通过将复杂的 XML 结构转换为 Swift 中常见的字典和数组形式,SWXMLHash 让开发者能够更加轻松地访问和操作 XML 文件中的信息。对于那些希望在 iOS 或 macOS 应用程序中集成 XML 数据处理功能的开发者来说,SWX...
SWXMLHash is a relatively simple way to parse XML in Swift. If you're familiar with XMLParser (formerly NSXMLParser), this library is a wrapper around it. Conceptually, it provides a translation from XML to a dictionary of arrays (aka hash)....
github "drmohundro/SWXMLHash" ~> 5.0 Swift Package Manager Swift Package Manager requires Swift version 4.0 or higher. First, create a Package.swift file. It should look like: dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/drmohundro/SWXMLHash.git", from: "5.0.0") ] swift build ...
SWXMLHash 是相对简单的使用 Swift 解析 XML 的方式,如果想拥有类似NSXMLParser的功能,SWXMLHash 会提供一个简单的封装,同时提供一个 XML 转换成数组目录的方式(比如 hash)。 API 灵感来源于 SwiftyJSON。
Simple XML parsing in Swift. Contribute to malkouz/SWXMLHash development by creating an account on GitHub.
github "drmohundro/SWXMLHash" ~> 6.0 Swift Package Manager Swift Package Manager requires Swift version 4.0 or higher. First, create a Package.swift file. It should look like: dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/drmohundro/SWXMLHash.git", from: "6.0.0") ] swift build ...
github "drmohundro/SWXMLHash" ~> 7.0 Manual InstallationTo install manually, you'll need to clone the SWXMLHash repository. You can do this in a separate directory, or you can make use of git submodules - in this case, git submodules are recommended so that your repository has details ...
SWXMLHash is a relatively simple way to parse XML in Swift. If you're familiar with NSXMLParser, this library is a simple wrapper around it. Conceptually, it provides a translation from XML to a dictionary of arrays (aka hash). The API takes a lot of inspiration from SwiftyJSON. Conte...
SWXMLHash is a relatively simple way to parse XML in Swift. If you're familiar with XMLParser (formerly NSXMLParser), this library is a wrapper around it. Conceptually, it provides a translation from XML to a dictionary of arrays (aka hash)....