On 10/5/2024 at 10:53 PM,Toraaksaid: That was why they had the CM item Unlock Crew Skill Slot. Same for Artifact Authorization. But this part is still correct. All Activity Home English General Discussion Bug Reports Changes in game (preferred status)...
Purchased 60 day pass on 12/31/20 but still have preferred status. My Bank acc. has been charged. Swtor username: ELKTuesday Getting frustrated lol Like 4 Reply proxos666 Hero+ to InfernoIron5 years ago @InfernoIron You need to reset the password on the linked...
“Originally, the second quickslot bar was part of preferred status, but based on feedback here and what they were seeing in the community we decided to give it to everyone,” said BioWare last month. However, they continued at the time: “It is important conversely that the subscription...
I can see the DLC in my library but no subscription (still preferred status) or Cartel Coins. My SWTOR account shows unsubbed and 1200 cartel coins. I would appreciate a speedy resolution. thanks. SWTOR user name - MojoElfie 0 + XP Me too #2 Next Hero Post ↓ August Options pro...
What’s more, the first two expansions, Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan are free for all of the players. Sellers will most likely have the easiest time when leveling up a F2P account. A gamer that has a "Preferred" player account, on the other hand, has a middle-tier ...
Opinions, News & Status of the Game New Player Tips & Guides Beginner Tips for Level 70 Choosing a Class Free-to-Play (F2P), Preferred, and Subscribed Story Story Chapters (KOTFE/KOTET) Servers Tech Support User Interface & Keybinds Companions Class Guides Operations Fashion & Armor Guilds...
SWTOR Area Assembler Add-on: here the situation is more complicated, as this Add-on was purposely,painfullybuilt to deal with SWTOR's axis order issues. What happens under the hood is that the Assembler temporarily enforces neutral importing settings but does the scaling factor on its own. It...
How about giving some incentive to people who are F2P or Preferred status? How about having a subscription plan that they sign for a year at $9.00 a month for a year? Then they keep that monthly subscription fee after a year. But the moment they return to F2P or Preferred, they lose...
PostedMarch 17, 2022 black_pyros said: While 5.0 was mostly forcing to PvE + Heavy RNG lottery of Command Crates before they introduced Unassembled Components. We called it, Ben Irving's RNG Hell, 'cause that's what it felt like. 405...
This is the latest stable version and can be downloaded from thereleasespage, or directly from: Latest Version (WinAuth-3.5.1) There is also a.Net 3.5 build of WinAuththat can be run on Windows 7 installations "out of the box". ...