If you want to change trees in the sniper class yes you can change to virulence which has the dots. If you are asking if you can change classes to a operative, then no you would have to reroll a new toon. AlrikFassbauer Members ...
Virulence (Damage) Sniper VIRULENCE Guide 5.9 by Awetgomk, on Vulkk.com Virulence Sniper PvE 5.0 by Veldix, on Dulfy.net Virulence Sniper PvP 5.0, by Kitchen Sink on Dulfy.net SWTOR 4.0 Virulence Sniper PvE Guide by Thrax, on Dulfy.net SITH ASSASSIN Darkness (Tank) Assassin Darkness Guide...
Energy Barrel feels much stronger than the other two options as laze target doesn't offer the same amount of additional power to the rotation that it now does for virulence or engineering. Penetrating rounds feels like it could get obnoxious in PvP when combined with sniper volley and leg shot...
22-10,467+/- 161+4.77%Virulence SniperDirty Fighting Gunslinger 33-10,441+/- 270+4.51%Engineering SniperSaboteur Gunslinger 44-10,432+/- 414+4.42%Innovative Ordnance MercenaryAssault Specialist Commando 55-10,336+/- 284+3.46%Annihilation MarauderWatchman Sentinel ...
Virulence Sniper Guide by Yolo Introduction: My name is Yolo/Snickerr/Hashtag. I play on The Harbinger for the most part and do all of my raiding in Zorz. As far as we’ve been a guild, we have accomplished a world first in all content available to us (G
22-10,467+/- 161+4.77%Virulence SniperDirty Fighting Gunslinger 33-10,441+/- 270+4.51%Engineering SniperSaboteur Gunslinger 44-10,432+/- 414+4.42%Innovative Ordnance MercenaryAssault Specialist Commando 55-10,336+/- 284+3.46%Annihilation MarauderWatchman Sentinel ...
From PvE it also makes no sense, like at all: It's facts that madness is parsing less (given skill and equal gear) to IO and Virulence as pointed out. As for cleave damage, look at Nim Grobthok http://parsely.io/parser/operations/grobthok/8/MM/dps/all/all/all/live/0/ ...
We have a skill tree like the Bounty Hunter's Bodyguard, it's called Medicine. Vir (I'm assuming you mean Virulence) isn't an Operative spec, that's a Sniper spec. Should I make a macro to flip my rotation to add my heals to it with a key stroke?
Virulence/Dirty Fighting: Corrosive Refund / Scrounging has been redesigned. It now causes Corrosive Grenade / Shrap Bomb to refund 2 energy each time it ticks. Expand I appreicate the Return of Healing for snipers, but the Knockback on Reestablish Range is NEED TO STAY. Sniper cannot fac...
I'd say either Marksmanship, Virulence or AP. Marksmanship has a very, very easy rotation and never runs out of energy with its maximum single target build. (Basically you Ambush -> Followthrough -> Penetrating Blasts -> Followthrough -> Snipe x2 - > Followthrough repeat, subbing in a ...