You will be able to determine the build of a character based on visual style (Jedi consular with double bladed lightsaber is DPS while single bladed consular is healer) We expect videos and images to pour in from the event and we’ll update this post accordingly. There is also a Dev meet...
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Seer (Healer) Seer Sage PvE 5.0 by Dianiss, on Seer Sage PvP 5.0, by Andunie Anzu on by Drunkenheadshot PvE Healing 101 Guide by Lorhin, on Telekinetics (Damage) Telekinetic Sagen PvE 5.0 by Sio, on Balance (Damage) Balance Sage PvE Guide...
This is only one example of a team ranked Sage/Sorc build. When it comes to your utilities it is something you yourself have to decide what is the best for you and your playstyle. For an example, other healers often use the Force Mobility utility. Something the healer needs to be awa...
Stopped playing Merc Healing, because its a bad joke, Now running easymode sage. Sad but true, this is the first patch i did not manage to get the merc healing to a point where you could call it viable... its just... you know what it is... greetings...
The only real reliable test I can think of for dps is to find a tank and healer friend, head out to Ilum and grab the platinum mob in the Defend the Shipment area (or another platinum, just make sure it's a level 50 one), have the tank nuke it down to 80%, then stop all dam...
1. Since the launch of 6.0 Sorcerer healers have been seen as very undesirable in the raiding community. I am a sorcerer and mercenary healer main. Ive healer as a sorc and merc since the launch of the game. 6.0 is the first expansion where I have been turned down in raid teams solely...
Recommended Spec: Jedi Sentinel (two-handed DPS) or Jedi Sage (DPS or Healer). Bounty Hunter (Sith) Playstyle: Ranged DPS with some versatility for healing and tanking. Strengths: Heavy armor, high DPS, flamethrowers, and ranged attacks. ...
The other healer DC'd and never came back. We couldn't find another healer so we just went in to try it out with just the 7 of us. I have never worked so hard than that moment. One person died. We beat the Warlords in the first try. I got 6 compliments :-) I never felt ...
I don't understand the problem. HM was a joke in 6.X and now it requires tanks/healers to actually do some work. A 330 healer can pump out much more than 18k, so not sure what the issue is. Jugg tank is still the best tank in PvE for a variety of reasons, so what is the ...