while we are getting help with gearing for an Operative in 2.0, is there anyone who can post a viable Operative Healing Spec while we are at it? Dan_Beavis Members 17 Posted April 16, 2013 Its because alacrity reduces the GCD now aswell. So if you cast surgical probe you will not...
Are we crappy healers? Do we heal better as a vir, lethal, or conc? We have a skill tree like the Bounty Hunter's Bodyguard, it's called Medicine. Vir (I'm assuming you mean Virulence) isn't an Operative spec, that's a Sniper spec. ...
PvE Healing 101 Guide by Lorhin, on mmobits.com Concealment (Damage) Imperial Agent Operative CONCEALMENT Guide 5.9 by Awetgomk & Tailorju, on Vulkk.com Concealment/Scrapper: PvP Guide 5.4 by Knin Video: Operative gearing and alacrity (PvP) 5.7 by Snave Lethality (Damage) SWTOR Operative LE...
Tactician is my go-to set, but that's because I main lethality, so it's a bit of a hand-me-down with sub-optimal stats. At some point I'll make a Tactician healing set, probably have enough spare pieces already. ZouYan Members ...
Each advanced class has 3 disciplines: at least 2 of these are for dealing damage (3 in case of Marauders and Snipers), while the 3rd can be for healing (Sorcerer, Operative, Mercenary) or Tanking (Assassin, Juggernaut, Powertech). While there is no way to change the advanced class of ...
Hello everyone, Chris here again, Gameplay Designer on SWTOR. I wanted to share with you some upcoming balance changes planned for 7.1.1 (Jackie mentioned it in this thread). I’ve spoken of our post 7.0 balance plan in the past, and if you are curious a
TOXIC SCAN: Cleanse for your allies and yourself. Speaking of cleanses… PRIORITY CLEANSES: Cleansing debuffs goes as follows: TANK YOURSELF ANYONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE A CLEANS 1 All Activity Home English Combat Styles Scoundrel / Operative
Operative healers would die to two perfectly synced burst dps specs, a merc can facetank/kite 3 dps indefinitely but struggles with healing others, sorc healers can handle a whole wz team of average dps. facetank, facetank, phasewalk H2F. Force speed, bubble stun, knock off bridge + ...
Operative/Scoundrel healer especially needs to be brought up, as currently I rarely if every see players nowadays using it for either PVE or PVP. However I also want the game to do better matchmaking with support classes. One team should not have two healers while the other has none. ...
I have been testing the Medicine Operative healing changes on the PTS and overall I have been pretty underwhelmed. Keep in mind I am posting about PvE. I'll start with the positives. I like the new ability, Tactical Overdrive. It is nice to be able to reset the CD on Stim Boost, si...