Using our example numbers above, if the base item rating is 320 in 7.0, upgrading via Conquests can get players to a max item rating of 326. In a future update, this would increase to item rating 330 for Conquest players. Why is your company punishing us? Do you understand that many s...
In addition, I utilized the optimized prototype enhancements to bring my shells to at least 240 rating. I will determine an effective item rating as the average of the various modifications in a shell. The armorings are most important for the set bonus. You will notice that I have all 7 ...
You will quickly get to an item rating where blue items start dropping and once that happens, you will no longer get green drops. This is true up through purple, etc. (for clarity I am referencing color instead of quality here). -eric...
The item rating floor and ceiling for Warzones will also raise over time. I hope this has been helpful! Okay I'm still scared when the new content drops now I will be severely under-geared and if the new 318 "balance" is anything like the SoV FP for months on end. Ouch! Literally...
Darthmoriquendi said: Agree wirh this. Something is definitely off for sure. I'm grinding my gunslinger right now. Currently lvl 80 and at SoV. I hate how awful it feels. Out of all my classes, it feels the worst to me. Not sure if it's just me, or if slinger is that bad ri...
2. Provide a simple YELP or TripAdvisor type feedback rating tool- that allows Players to periodically share Ratings (1 to 5) of how their Guild continues to subscribe to each of their own charter tenets. With such a tool, having Guilds' members responses over time, we'd see changes in...
I take this to mean that doing a Veteran Mode FP can upgrade your gear up to a point. IE it will upgrade your lowest irating item up to 320. However if you already have 320 gear or higher, you get currency for future upgrades. I can't look at the vendors on the PTS, but I do...
In this way everyone would eventually get to the highest item rating with the same stat distribution; it would just mean that R-4 players would get to the top first, followed by legacy Ops, followed by Fps, followed by Conquest. I could accept that. But that is not what they are ...
And as for pvpers, we like to min max our gear to get the best performance out of our classes. Which we won’t be able to do with this halfbaked static gear. And it doesn’t matter if pvp stats are capped, you still need to be able to put the right stat mix on your character...
which offered a lot of variety and took a lot of time if you wanted to try everything. But if you just wanted to get a small number of items and play at the highest rating in a relaxed way, you could. I feel like gating the top rating of gear behind particular content, which a ...