Hatred survivability is next to non existent and its melee damage is so sad even squishy classes laugh, and this is besides the fact that it has atrocious force management and frequently demands use of your auto attack ( very much like IO ) which imo sho
SWTOR 4.0 Deception Assassin PvE Guide by Artorias, on Dulfy.net SWTOR 4.0 Deception Assassin PvP Guide by Kre’a, on Dulfy.net by SWTOR Central Hatred (Damage) Assassin HATRED Guide 5.9 by Mebrithiel, on Vulkk.com Hatred Assassin PvP 5.0, by Kre’a on Dulfy.net Hatred Assassin Guide...
Hatred Assassin SPEC Build and Rotation or priority? ByxxBONECRUSHERxxx,May 8, 2023 1reply 1.2kviews shadowmalic August 19, 2023 Question about Sith Juggernaut ByHisShadowX,May 14, 2023 3replies 1.2kviews Revan-the-knight June 28, 2023 ...
Assassin/Shadow: Sorcerer/Sage: Operative/Squindrel: Sniper/Gunslinger: Powertech/Vanguard: Mercenary/trooper: Thanks in advance! Jaugger: Tank (PvP), all work in PvE - depends what you find fun - dps jaugger = glass in PvP Sin: Deception or Darkness (PvP), Hatred (PvE) Hatred has sl...
I have read multiple guides and have tried multiple openers and rotations but cannot get it to perform as well as hatred, deception, concealment, arsenal, etc. on a target dummy. I think I have a relatively good understating of the basics (build and spend TAs on corrosive assault, ...
In order: 1) Operative I prefer this class beyond any other. I can fill many roles while still being very hard to pin down. I do more pure damage on my operative than my marauder or juggernaut. I seldom do healing on this class, but it happens. 2) Sorcer