Cross posting by request: Full scripted romance NPCs (those that stay on planets as part of class storylines or outside of them) should be able to give players little mementos - like the beret mentioned above - as a reminder of them when you're saving or pillaging the galaxy. Having ...
if you go to the payment history page it will list your saved payment methods, there is a circle with a cross that is used to delete payment methods Like 0 Reply About STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ Recent Discussions black colored screen 14 hours ago dmanvv 409 - Conflict 16 hours...
to mail things to myself? It breaks immersion for me to have dissassociative identity disorder (alts) already since I've never had that disorder. Mailing stuff to my other personalities would too I guess. it would make more sense to have a shared account bank vault for my other personaliti...
I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things. I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed
Because if you don't cross server then rankings will be skewed and irrelevent and there will not be any real competitive pvp. Also, ques will take longer and you will see more "mixed' matches which again is not good for ladders. Also, there will be less people in the que so there wi...
grow to recognize names on their server and get to know people there more before the gates to xserver are opened (if they are) and even then I feel that people should have the check box option of []server or []cross server, thus, hopefully, making more people that hate X-server ...
Either that or start merging servers. I play on a low pop server and zero WZ spawned after 1.1. PVP is totally dead for lvl 50 on ICE Breaker.EditedJanuary 19, 2012by Radiozo Vibeth Members 192 PostedJanuary 19, 2012 Please no cross server anything. Breaks the community, seriously. ...