New Guide If you’ve heard about Star Wars: The Old Republic, and have been wondering about whether its worth trying or not, this video will go through all the pros and cons… Read Guide Tundra and Mountain Tauntaun Mount Guide New Guide ...
leveling guide product details, online, buy cheap:200 credits & class guides- destroyer skill build dragon nest hammer, read credits & class guides fresh data:: skill guide aran maplestory, for free, swtor optimization guide :: how to getting zhaf swtor leveling guide | credits & class ...
Crew Skill general overview, on Star Wars: The Od Republic Wiki Which crafting skill should I choose? | by Swtorista by Swtorista What Gathering Skills go with which Crafting Skills by TORCommunity Which Crafting Skills can craft what for Endgame Armor by RikuvonDrake Crafting Prefbas / Dar...
Another statistic that affects your companion’s combat skill is Presence, which is earned by your character. You can earn Presence by unlocking the human species by leveling to 50 on a human character or buying the unlock, a +10 permanent legacy presence bonus for each companion you finish ...
The patterns in this leveling guide for Synthweaving are obtainable from a Synthweaving Trainer only. After you complete a step, train for the next level by visiting the Synthweaving Crew Skill Trainer. The Sith Inquisitor, Sith Warrior, Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight are the classes that can ...
Cleansing used to be a useful skill for PvP before patch 3.0, as it could remove damage-over-time effects, making it an effective part of a healer's arsenal. Sadly that's no longer the case, and cleanses are, few cases aside, useless. Cleansing only removes 2 effects, and you cannot...
MMO developers ALWAYS speed up the leveling. Well, TOR is no exception to the initial speed trap and learned nothing from prior MMOs. Let's expedite mind-numbing "do this and kill 15-50 bonus mobs" grinding. I don't need that long to learn a new class skill before movi...
GSF is a very high skill ceiling game with a very poor tutorial. But be 100% assured that everyone here suffered greatly trying to get to grips with the game when they started out. It is not the sort of game where you can come in smash buttons and do well. I often see newbies sayi...
Each has strength, and each can be piloted in "advanced" ways, some less than others. All are powerful in the right hands, we can argue which is most powerful but again this is subjective: each person has a skillset and it will likely fall under one or two of the ships types we ha...
Hey all! I thought I'd write this "guide" to hopefully help out new players. All too often I've seen players who have no idea how to gear their toons. Nor what benefit orange gear is to them. I tried to make it as simple & easy to understand. So here goe