So these sorcerers now got their movement talent built into the class, given to every sorcerers(madness\lightning) without the need to choose it... and they get a new talent to replace the mobility talent, which reduces their hard stun's CD and after the stun effect expires, it reduce dm...
Posted May 19, 2023 Wasn't this a class balance feedback discussion? When did this topic suddenly dive into how many subscribers swtor has now or just bickering between each other? Can we just discuss class changes? Arsenal needs a dmg buff, we are parsing too low to be considered for...
Posted May 11, 2023 Since a lot of these class changes are for PVP and PVE, There are still some changes that need to be made for specs. These are just my Opinions though Madness/Balance (PVP) This spec in its current state it way too "tanky" which doesn't make sense as sorc...